Sunday 21 July 2024

Dorset - Lodmoor RSPB - Recent Round Up!


I have been mixing my time up between the Farm and trips to Weymouth and Portland. My last trip to Lodmoor produced a good variety of birds including a very scaly juvenile Cuckoo.
A Greenshank was also present and it is believed the same bird has remained on the reserve and was seen again today.
A Spoonbill dropped in and joined a Little Egret whilst I was watching the west scrape. The bird did not remain for long departing north.
A Curlew with a shorter bill had me double checking the identity of the bird! This was another bird that did not stay for long during conditions that suited movement in the area.

I returned to Lodmoor RSPB this morning at stupid o’clock hoping for more of the same but it was not to be despite a thorough search of the reserve. High tide was just after 0700 therefore there was a chance there would be a few shorebirds on the reserve!

My first aim was to check the paths and hopefully catch up with the woodpeckers that are in the area. They did not disappoint with three Green and two Great Spotted most were seen early morning.

I moved onto the wetland where a long staying Greenshank was still present in front of the shelter. A Little Ringed Plover was at the hump but too far away for pictures. Common, Green Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit made up the shorebird numbers.
Most of the terns have moved on but there were a few Common with a single Sandwich Tern on the west side of the reserve.
Great Egret is a regular feature on the reserve the breeding plumaged bird was not seen today.

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