Tuesday 15 October 2024

Bulgaria - Day Three - Cape Kaliakra and Shabla Tuzla

The third day of the trip began at Cape Kaliakra which was experiencing a southerly biased wind which changed the numbers of each species traversing the area. Species counts were much lower than the previous days count. A mixed flock of ducks was noted including Shoveler and a Yellowhammer where the new additions to the trip list.

There was an increase in Sardinian Warbler to five with one female noted. Red Throated Pipit, a Serin and a flock of Alpine Swift were noted on passage. Red Breasted Flycatchers were still present in the area.

There was a small passage of Corn Bunting, Chaffinch numbers were down considerably on the previous day. Black Redstart were fewer and more scattered across the site.

The afternoon was spent at Shabla Tuzla which is part of the Shabla lake complex. My bird of the day Greater Flamingo was present here in reasonable numbers. There was a good mix of duck featuring Pintail, and Teal with a flock of Tufted Duck and Pochard noted flying over the Black Sea. Black Necked and Little represented the grebes on the lake. A small group of Great Egrets were also present.

A couple of Great Northern Diver was also noted on the sea one still in its breeding plumage. There was a large gull roost a few miles further down the beach but they sadly did not disperse our way when disturbed by walkers on the beach.

We met up with Pavel and Tatiana late afternoon to search for a Yellow Browed Warbler in some woodland. We were not successful in relocating Pavel’s find but at arrangement was made to meet at Branta Birding Lodge at Durankulak Lake tomorrow. It had been ten years since my last visit there and I am looking forward to my visit!

The day was generally quieter with the trip list after today’s visit standing at 98 species! The wind changes overnight to a Northerly bias which may improve migration across the Cape.

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