Sunday, 23 March 2025

Morocco - Mansour Eddahbi Dam Ouarzazarte

The dam is the lifeline of the region supplying water to farms and towns that have grown as a result of the wealth water brings! I spent an evening and a morning covering the key areas of this vast expanse of water. 

Collared Pratincole, Great Egret were present during the evening session but appeared to have moved on by the next morning. Blue Cheeked Bee Eaters were also noted passing overhead. Digiscoping was the order of the day for the former whilst shakey shots of the latter didn't make the cut either!

The morning saw a movement of Hirundines, Swallow, Sand Martin, Pallid Swift and a couple of Red Rumped Swallow no doubt all looking to cross the mountains as they head north.

A Desert Lark put in a couple of appearances posing nicely on top of a rock to my own delight.

A White Crowned Wheatear which allowed me to get very close behind the cover of the car as it wrestled with a centipede like insect.

A couple of Great Grey Shrike two adults and an immature bird had a bit of a squabble before all parted company below the viewing area!

Yellow Wagtails of the race iberiae were present in good numbers as they migrated through the area.

Shorebirds were represented by Little Ringed Plover and Kentish Plover which were amazing to watch as they scuttled along the shoreline picking off insects.

Migration is definately hotting up as I spend a few days with Riad Dades birds along the Tagdilt Track and later in the dunes looking for desert specials!