Monday, 23 June 2014

More Moths from the Garden

After a monster sleep yesterday and the World Cup matches being more entertaining than previous days I put the light out to see what was flying. It turned out to be another busy couple of hours with two Elephant Hawkmoths a few Small Magpies, Heart and Dart and a few more new moths for the garden attending the light. The Small Magpie seemed to be subdued after a night in the fridge but promptly flew off before I had photographed it. Hmm! I’m sure there will be others.

The following are all new moths for my garden:-
(Buff Ermine)
A Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum was my favourite of the night bar the Elephant Hawkmoths of course.
(Setaceous Hebrew Character)
Setaceous Hebrew Character Xestia c-nigrum
(Riband Wave)
Riband Wave Idaea aversata.
Coronet Craniophora ligustri coronula.
(Silver Y)

With the help of Pete Alfrey and Bomber I have now identified all photographed moths. The Silver Y Autographa gamma was the most interesting as it is a migrant moth.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Its all Go in the Garden!

Yesterday was quite windy in the garden but I put the moth light out not really expecting much. I was quite pleasantly surprised to see a whole variety of moths in the box after only a couple of hours with the light on.
(Elephant Hawkmoth)
The most impressive was an Elephant Hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor which had hidden itself under the egg boxes. Good thing I always check underneath!
(Peppered Moth)
A Peppered Moth Biston betularia was next into the jar along with a Heart and Dart which falls in to the small brown job category!
(Angle Shades)
A slightly more interesting brown job was an Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa.
(Lime Hawkmoth)
My neighbours have obviously clocked the searchlight in the back garden and this has provoked some interest in what the crazy bloke next door is up to now! John presented me with a pot which contained a Lime Hawkmoth which was found during a walk into Sutton! Thanks John!
(Common Frog)
I had a Red Admiral butterfly in the garden but it did not stick around for the paparazzi! A Common Frog was photographed in the pond the other day. It’s all go in the garden!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Garden Watch!!

Whilst I have been off work I have kept a close eye on activities in my garden. House Sparrows numbers have increased to c30 the young having fledged, the young being fed on the feeders by their attentive parents. Juvenile Great Tit and Blue Tit, up to seven Collared Dove and a Greenfinch are other regulars.
(El Zorro II!)
I have been putting out chopped apples but they have been scoffed the prime suspect being El Zorro who I managed to capture on camera during one of his raids. I'm glad to say this one survived his visit unlike the last fox to visit the garden.
(Large White)
I have had a Large White butterfly in the garden recently but not much else so far. I’m sure the buddleia will work its magic soon enough though.

On calm evenings I have put out a moth light (thanks Dodge) for a couple of hours a night and have started compiling a photo list of the moths that have been caught in the trap.

I have collected moths at Laguna Blanca Paraguay and being a moth novice have applied the same principles using a bed sheet at the back of the light to encourage these night time visitors to pop into the garden. I await my first low flying aircraft as the bulb may well bring down a plane at some point! The list of unidentified moths is growing but I’m sure I will get most of them nailed in the end.
The Brimstone (Opisthograptis luteolata) which is common is the most obvious visitor but has only been seen on the light one evening.
(White Ermine)
Three White Ermine (Spilosoma lubricipeda) which is common I consider to be the most striking moth so far but it is early days in my world of mothlighting.
(Garden Carpet)
The Garden Carpet (Xanthorhoe fluctuate) which is common is similarly black and white in colour but does not have the same appeal.

All these moths have to endure is a night in my fridge a bit of paparazzi macro photography  the next morning courtesy of Nikon Coolpix P6000  and then they are released.