I have spent the last couple of days at Riad Dades Birds near Boumalne Dades with guide Mustapha who has taken me out along the Tagdilt Track 4x4 style to see the desert area specials. It has been a very enjoyable couple of days with some life birds and my trip list reaching 104 species!
The prize bird of the two days was the family party of Pharoah Eagle Owl who posed magnificently for the camera. The young owlets even put in an appearance. Owls will always hold my interest but this was simply amazing!
The male was on the other side of the ledge keeping an eye on proceedings!
Another favourite species of mine the Cream Coloured Courser were present in good numbers this year and you didn't have to travel too far on the open plain to bump into one. Black-bellied and Pin-tailed Sandgrouse were more active early morning.
Hoopoe Lark were very vocal and only gave away their splendour in flight with black outer primaries and white through the secondaries.
Temminck's Lark were found throughout the area with some newly fledged juvenile birds present. Desert and Northern Wheatear were also roaming the desert plain.
Atlas, Mourning and Mahgreb Wheatear were found in more remote areas.
The area of the dump is where many birds hang out and despite the mess it is not too unpleasant on the nose. Meadow Pipit and Yellow Wagtails were present here in good numbers.
Red Rumped Wheatear are annual breeders around the dump juvenile birds were noted.
Raptors have been in short supply but a dozen Black Kite were noted this morning having roosted on the plain overnight prior to crossing the Atlas Mountains.
Despite a thorough search on both days Thick Billed Lark could not be found. This is the key breeding period and this species becomes very elusive.
I will try again when I come back later in the month!