Friday 4 March 2022

Dorset - Waddock Farm Cress Beds - Creeping around in the Cress!

Puddletown Water Meadows was the day’s first port of call. I recorded forty species during a two hour stint. There was nothing I saw that was out of the ordinary. The local Buzzards were performing well moving as far down as Athelhampton House. I did however find one dead in a field which explained the odd number in the skies!

Bird of the day a Raven announced itself at Waddock Farm Cress beds before completing several circuits overhead. This species is common in the area but is always a welcome sight.

Several Rook kept an eager eye on the Raven completing a similar overhead route. This gave me a good photo opportunity offering a good comparison of both species. Identification issues can present themselves particularly at distance where the size difference is not always obvious!

At ground level the cress beds were fully laden including a few regular guests that were taking advantage of the crop!

The beds were also littered with Wagtail who were feeding on the glut of insects and a solitary Meadow Pipit!

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