The mornings are
beginning to draw in which is a good thing if you are banding because the start
times are not as stupid as stupid o clock! Rain was forecast for later in the
day therefore there was a chance of something else turning up beforehand.
The day manning the
nets turned out to be a good one with two new species to add to my own
worksheet. The first was a Garden Warbler which is an annual occurrence at the
Farm but generally does not linger for any length of time. It was great to be
able to examine this species in the hand. The plain appearance of this bird
distinguishes it from other warblers.
There was also a
movement of Sedge Warbler today with most journeys being interrupted in the
margins of the lakes. Juvenile and adult birds were processed.
My first net Goldfinch found
a net along the edge of the South Lake. A splendid male bird was temporarily
detained and processed.
Shorebird of the day
was an Oystercatcher which was initially picked up by Frank over the South
Lake. The bird flew a small loop over the North Lake before flying over the
mound and out of sight. It was a shame this bird did not stay but I guess it
was put off by the number of gulls on the lakes. Tank took a walk around the
site but could not re-locate the Oik! Common and Green Sandpiper made up the shorebirds
numbers for the day.
I’m back at the Farm
tomorrow morning to check the nest boxes with Derek Coleman. Rumour has it the
Tree Sparrows have had another brood!