Tuesday 22 August 2023

Dorset - Puddletown Water Meadows Bardolf Farm - Buzzarding Around!

This was a perfect day to go searching for passerines on Bardolf Farm. A mix of cloud and sunny spells with a gentle SW wind! The plan was to take a slow walk paying attention to the Causeway pond and its environs.

As I was walking towards the gate to the pond a low flying raptor appeared above the tree line to my right. I deployed the camera as a Honey Buzzard circled overhead. For once the brain engaged almost instantly! Once I had secured pictures I phoned Hugo who suspended his morning’s moth processing session to view from the Manor House. The HB in the mean time circled a couple of times and slowly made its way east towards the meadows at Athelhampton.

This is the fourth record for Bardolf Farm. Previous birds were on October 1st 2006, August 18th 1999 and May 25th 1999.

I continued with my original plan once the bird had departed. I noticed a few Spotted Flycatchers along the hedgerow west of the pond. Initially it was tricky working out how many were present but a line up along the hedgerow and fence line had me count eight birds.

There were a couple of birds at the gap in the next field up but they could have easily been birds from the initial tally. I had an interesting encounter with the cows today but they are friendly and just generally inquisitive! 

I do need to brush up on my moooo!

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