Monday 1 July 2024

Dorset - General Round-Up!

I have been in research mode for the last few days checking out my growing list of regular haunts of species that are good to locate during tours. A Great Northern Diver is an interesting resident in the harbour at present! I thoroughly enjoy the whole process of guiding from the planning stage to showing clients the birds and compiling a trip report. Link Dorset Bird Tours

The Heights Hotel has already booked my services for 2025 which will also include attending next years bird fair to promote hotel and private bird tours!

On a personal note I have decided to spread my wings and start travelling again. I have booked a self planned trip to Morocco and look forward to winding my way across the Atlas Mountains in search of new birds! I am also hoping to join Pete Alfrey in Bulgaria later and catch up with Pavel who runs Bed and Birding!

Back on the home front the Farm is quiet at this time of year with one more breeding survey to complete. It will be interesting to compare the results with last year having had so much rain this year! I will also spend some time walking the fields listening out for Quail!

The moth light is being put out on favourable nights and I have logged over 60 species since I bought my own trap a few months ago!

I am still training but it is unlikely I will continue officiating next season. I want to spend more time developing my tours and travelling to improve my knowledge of Western Palearctic birds!

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