Friday 21 June 2024

Dorset - Puddletown - Chaos in the Garden!

I have been on garden watch for the last couple of days. It has been clear and sunny and has presented the opportunity to tidy up with of course one eye to the skies! I always have my binoculars and camera at hand should there be anything of interest pass over or visit the feeders.

I was having a few lazy moments this afternoon when there was chaos from the bushes behind me. A male Sparrowhawk dropped onto the path with a House Sparrow in its talons. The raptor paused long enough for me to use some stealth and put the camera to use! The bird then turned with prey in tow and flew over the fence and up over the back wall out of sight!
I had earlier secured pictures of a recent addition to my garden list Raven. Two birds that “Konked” their way as they circled high over the garden!
A pale phase Buzzard gave me a moment’s heart tremor yesterday as it glided over the garden. There has been a pale bird present at Bardolf Farm of late but for a split second I forgot about that bird and slung the camera at it before I realized what it was!

My garden is close to Puddletown Water Meadows on Bardolf Farm and the list of species makes far better reading than my previous garden in Surrey! My garden list stands at 52 species!

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