Sunday 1 September 2024

Hampshire - Keyhaven (Pennington) Marshes - A Stint on The Marshes!

I was up and out at stupid o clock yesterday morning for a birding and soccer bonanza. Keyhaven Marshes was the venue for a variety of shorebirds including Grey Plover in various stages of breeding to non breeding plumage.

The tide was on the rise and more birds were seeking refuge on the pools. First target species a Little Stint was noted being chased off by Dunlin on one of the small islands close to the sea wall! The Little Stint soon settled and was left to feed at its leisure along the shoreline!

I met up with Peter Moore (the cycling birder) at the top of the far pool and at this point the Curlew Sandpiper had not been re-located. A Wheatear put in an appearance along the fence-post line close to the path!

The Curlew Sandpiper did not disappoint the two Dorset birders, dropping onto a nearby island before joining the Little Stint for a short time. A low flying Sparrowhawk shuffled the pack giving good views of the white rump on the Sandpiper!

The morning was moving on and it was time to join the traffic up to the smoke for a family visit and the evening kick off Sutton Utd v Forest Green Rovers! It was good to catch up with Frank and the boys! Sutton lost the game having got back on level terms near the end of the game! They are a new young side which will hold their own in the National League having been relegated from League 2 last season!

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