Friday 18 October 2024

Bulgaria - Day 5 - Kaman Bryag and Sveti Nikola

This was our last day in the field and with the weather continuing with a brisk northerly blow the decision was taken to bird the village at Kamen Bryag. There was a good mix of passerines with mix tit flocks being checked for Yellow Browed Warbler. Bird of the day was not new for the trip list but flew in low over a field at the edge of the woodland. The Black Stork that breeds in woodland may have roosted in the woods before making its entrance. Less than a minute later the bird had crossed the field and was out of sight. Good job I looked over my shoulder or we would have missed it!

The gardens and open areas held Red Breasted Flycatcher who used walls and exposed branches to hawk insects from.

Black Redstart were also numerous in this and Sveti Nikola where we attempted to catch up with some Laughing Dove who did not make an appearance despite several visits during the day. After some tidying up on the plot and topping up the pond it was time to say ciao to everyone and make our way to the airport for some entertainment with the hire car company.

Please be wary when you hire cars abroad do not take anything for granted!

Give yourself plenty of time to collect / return a car including taking videos of the car pre and post hire. Keep any receipts of purchases as evidence. Go with the agent to check his/her pre post assessment of the car! Record conversations with staff on your phone!

Our issues began with their credit card machine not functioning for credit cards (they offer the best protection against fraud!) it worked when a debit card was presented! A charge was added for our delayed flight! 

We had to put oil in the car or risk being marooned in the middle of nowhere because SIXT had not checked the oil levels as they should do after ever return. Fortunately we had not gone far before lights on the dashboard began flashing and could resolve the issue at a petrol station despite it being late at night!

Pete has already had a refund of e400 which was taken from his account to cover the addition of oil to the car (No breach of T & C's despite being told there had been!) and an offer from SIXT to pay for what we had to purchase! I don't think this would have happened had we not stood our ground, got the local police involved and threatened legal action! 

However all has ended well! We had a fantastic trip logging 121 species. I added a couple of lifers as well! 

I look forward to our next adventure!

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