Monday 14 October 2024

Bulgaria - Day Two - Kape Kaliakra and Karmen Bryag

Day Two began back at Cape Kaliakra and more amazing vizmig this time with thousands of Chaffinch with Brambling amongst them! Wrens were more numerous with birds being chased by Yellow Legged Gulls as they attempted to make the last 100metres to shore! Sadly not all individuals were successful!

Birds of the day were a flock of Alpine Swift that were noted circling the ruins.

A flock of six White Pelican flew in to the vicinity of an offshore fishing boat remaining in this area until the boat moved off.

Less Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler in the area but there were more Skylark and a few Hooded Crow moving across the peninsular! There were not as many ground birds as yesterday but what were there was still an amazing sight to see!

A Honey Buzzard was noted flying out across the Black Sea with a Marsh Harrier and several Sparrowhawk in the area. A return to the plot mid morning had us return our focus to Kamen Bryag! 

Red Backed Shrike were noted on the steppe outside the village with a sea of Silver Y moths across the scrub! The Syrian Woodpecker pair are still in the village but no sign today of the Grey Headed Woodpecker.

A Common Redstart gave us both amazing views as we walked the track.

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