Wednesday 5 September 2018

Rep of Georgia - Batumi Raptor Count - Out of the Undergrowth!

During my adventures I have expanded my interest in nature beyond the “Birds” and have spent a proportion of my time looking at butterflies, reptiles, moths and more recently plants. My knowledge of these subjects is very limited but as long as I can take pictures of my newly found quarry I would be able to capture the moment with a view to learning more about the vast diversity of nature.

Batumi has presented several photographic opportunities including a species of butterfly Swallowtail I have not seen in the UK.
Other creatures have also randomly appeared at the top of the hills briefly distracting my attention from the days bird count. They negotiate the gradient far better than I do in the mornings!
A small pool of water at the top of station one has become the home to a toad that seems completely content with its surroundings.
Mantis are also present one deciding to test out my optics in my room the other evening.

This individual above was seen at the top of station one.

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