Thursday 6 September 2018

Rep of Georgia - Batumi Raptor Count - Raptor Files - Honey Buzzard

The BRC count has now passed the 400,000 raptor mark which at this stage is down on previous year counts but there has not been a big day in terms of Honey Buzzard movements. Full details can be viewed in the link below:-

Yesterday afternoon provided the BRC crew with some encouragement with a surge of birds in the afternoon although many were distant from station one passing through the mountains. A kettle of birds however emerged along the coast late afternoon with birds passing overhead giving great views.

Additional data is collected on birds that pass overhead and zone one either side of the counting station. Birds are aged and also sexed where possible. There is much variation in the plumage in HB and varies from light to dark morphs throughout all ages.
Adult male – Grey head with yellow iris, the flight feathers show a black trailing edge with the primary finger tips black. The tail has a broad black band.

Adult female – Upperparts browner, head pale, primary fingers darker as they reach the tip, darker secondaries and lighter bands through the tail feathers.

Juvenile birds are beginning to appear in the bottleneck their flight has been described as clumsy appearing oblivious to the potential dangers in their surroundings. 

Birds are generally dark ,bill is noticeably yellow, the wingtip is dark with darker secondaries, feathers are fresh without signs of moulting.

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