Thursday 1 August 2024

Dorset - Portland and Weymouth - Knot a Bad Day!

Temperatures have soared over the last few day and the sun has definitely had its hat on! I took an early outing to Portland stopping off at The Fleet at Ferrybridge meeting up with Pete Saunders during his daily rounds. Curlew and Whimbrel were present prior to my arrival but my bird of the morning was a Red Knot that flew from The Fleet over the bridge and headed across the harbour!

I spied a small flock of duck flying high west Pete was quick on the draw capturing seven Shoveler which are uncommon in the area at this time of year! The usual fair of Ringed Plover and Dunlin were present with a growing number of Mediterranean Gull in the area. A Wheatear was also noted in flight on the far side of The Fleet!
I moved via Portland Castle onto the Island spending some time at The Bill. A Redshank arrived on the rocks and spent the morning hopping East along the exposed rock faces as the morning progressed.
Wheatear was also noted in the area with a lone Kittiwake that was perched on the rocks at the site of the now dispersed seabird colony!
A day on the Island would not be complete without the Little Owl which is proving to be slightly tricky at times but generally makes an appearance before or after a visit to The Bill!

High tide was just after 1600hrs therefore the plan was to wend my way towards Lodmoor RSPB via Radipole RSPB! The Bearded Reedling were heard at the latter but not seen on this occasion!

As the tide was on the rise a good variety of shorebirds were noted at Lodmoor. Greenshank (which may be a long staying bird), Turnstone, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Common and Green Sandpipers were all observed. I did not check the hump for the mornings Little Ringed Plovers which cost me a Whimbrel before I made tracks for Silverlake and the Scarlet Darter! Which I did not find!

It was good to catch up with Roger Hewitt who is a fellow patch watcher in the Dorchester area!

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