Sunday 18 August 2024

Dorset to West Sussex - Inter County Birding!

I set out at stupid o clock to head out to West Sussex to spend the weekend with Pete Alfrey at his new homestead near Pagham Harbour RSPB. I had planned on a couple of stops along the way aiming to arrive in Sussex mid afternoon.

First stop was at Keyhaven Marshes to sample some of the shorebirds this Hampshire reserve had to offer. Some of the pools were almost dry but there was a good mix of shorebirds including Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Greenshank, Oystercatcher a snipe, Common and Green Sandpiper.

There had been Curlew Sandpiper present the previous day but despite a couple of likely candidates. The first was a distant bird where the white rump could not be picked out within a flock of Dunlin, when they took flight. The second bird that drew attention to itself on one of the closer islands but pictures have confirmed the bird to be a juvenile Dunlin. Note some black on the belly and the braces found on a juvenile bird. The bird had a slightly decurved bill and visible supercillium but no peach wash on the breast.

On the furthest pool Grey Plover in varying stages of breeding plumage were noted. A couple of Red Knot was also noted on the far shoreline.

In the harbour a flock of Eider were present the majority of birds in eclipse plumage.

I spent the afternoon at Farlington Marshes which has had sluice problems resulting in the sea water getting into the freshwater pools. The tide was out with good numbers of Redshank present. I moved down to the reed-bed where Bearded Tit were active pinging their way across a narrow channel giving fleeting views.

I made my move to avoid any traffic through Chichister arriving at Pete’s home mid afternoon. A check of the Siddlesham Ferry pool at Pagham Harbour RSPB in poor light conditions did not find the Semipalmated Sandpiper but a plan had already been hatched to return early morning to seek out this UK tick for me. We also planned on a big day at Pagham Harbour setting a tally of ninety species for the day!

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