Thursday 1 December 2022

Dorset - Puddletown Water Meadows Bardolf Farm - An Egret Great!

I was out on the Water Meadows at just getting light o’clock. It was a bit chilly but the forecast was sunshine all day and calm! The water levels are great and the wildfowl numbers are increasing by the day. I was determined to take advantage of the conditions and perhaps land a species on my wish-list (see previous post).

As it turned out I did see a new species for my Bardolf Farm tally today and I imagined how the exam question would be laid out:-

Q. Kojak added a new species to his Farm list today was it?

A. Jack Snipe

B. Water Pipit

C. Firecrest

D. None of the above

I had positioned myself near the top of the ridge just past the small chalk quarry. The view of the flooded meadows north of Waterbarn Cottages is amazing particularly on a clear day. There were a good number of Wigeon, Teal and a few Lapwing on the northern section of the flooded meadows hence my choice of location.

At 1325 a Great White Egret appeared low over the fields and landed in the middle section of the meadows took a drink from the river shook its wings a couple of times and then it was off low SW over the fields. I was facing into the sun took some pictures whilst phoning Hugo. The bird was there for around six minutes but getting through seemed to take a lifetime!

Hugo had seen this species before but I believe only once late one evening and this bird did not stay for long. Birds are regularly seen at Lodmoor RSPB but this was the second record for Bardolf Farm which was quite exciting in itself!

Hugo did not connect with the bird but had a probable Siberian Chiffchaff in a group of Chiffchaffs down at the water meadows. I had a look for the chiffy and checked the rest of the flooded areas for the Egret with no joy but the sun had gone below the tree line and it was almost dark!

Ten Egyptian Goose the regular wintering Green Sandpipers, Snipe and plenty of Canada Goose, Wigeon, Teal and Lapwing! 

Bardolf Farm total 105! What a glorious day!

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