Yesterday evening I had a passing thought "Will the Golden Plovers still be at Canons Farm in the morning?!" This species I have seen several times locally but connecting with them would not take up much time as this farm is approximately fifteen minutes away. I charged up my phone but left it on to take early morning tweets and low and behold the plovers were still in the Skylark field. I start work at ten if I drive via Sutton Lane I will miss the mad mile bottleneck (The.. too many cars turning right blocking the outside lane... one!). Off to Canons Farm it was and it didn't take too long to get there either.
I walked the public footpath between George's and Skylark field there were a few Wood Pigeons in George's along with a very busy Red-legged Partridge. This bird was a Canons Farm tick for me a silent woo hoo popped into my head! I didn't want to flush the contents of the field!
I saw David "Devilbirder" Campbell (The Canons Farm birding Guru!) walking the track towards Lunch Wood and phoned him to pass on my news! "Well its only taken you a year he chuckled!" True though that might be it was still one more species to add to my feeble Canons Farm total. The Golden Plovers were located but too far away and well camouflaged against the back-drop of the field for the SLR. I took a couple of shots but they were hopeless. I will have to start carrying the digi-scoping gear if i'm to record these moments.
Not a bad start to the day and little did I know the day was going to get better but that's a story for another time!
Nice to see you out and about again Kojak - a shame we couldn't catch up properly yesterday but hopefully I'll bump into over the farm again soon! Looking forward to more posts and pics!