I teamed up with Brett at Portland Bill this morning. The wind was howling and sea was crashing around the rocks at the Bill. The walk down from the Observatory can be a bit tricky in such conditions particularly as I was loaded with gear! A sea-watch can last an hour or six dependent on the activity at sea therefore I always go well prepared! I stopped short at the lighthouse seeking cover out of the wind. Brett was not far behind complete with stool. Note to self time! Pete and Debbie Saunders were braver souls remaining at the obelisk for some time.
The sea is an impressive sight when it’s angry making continuous observation of birds difficult. The numerous Manx Shearwaters that passed in both directions would disappear behind waves reappearing at a point further across the Bill. If I had ventured further I would have taken more pictures as many of the Shearwaters seemed close as they passed the Bill. The only Balearic of the vigil was not as close but good scope views were had once Brett had me on the bird.
I popped into Lodmoor RSPB briefly on the way home. Common and Green Sandpipers and the regular Dunlin were seen in a quick scoot around before heading home for a snooze before the game tonight!
Very Autumnal weather does that mean Summer has past!