Thursday, 25 April 2013

Guan Out!

APRIL 25th
Sjouke and I were out in the Cerrado(Sensu Strictu) on a survey this morning which was going smoothly with no real suprises. Mid way through the second hour a long green backed hummingbird with a white front and black almost straight bill flew in front of us perched up for a few seconds and looked at us then beckoned us to follow it down the trail. The bird was a female Blue tufted Starthroat which is a new trip tick. We were unable to keep up with the bird and it disappeared from view.

Another addition from a photo and the Cerrado Census is a Pearly breasted Seedeater (formerly Capped Seedeater) which is a life bird for me. Just like London buses none for ages then two come along at once.! This record has been confirmed as a Laguna Blanca 1st woo hoo!
(Pearly breasted Seedeater)
Joe picked us up at the end of the survey and we returned to base. I had not got out of the car when Sean came bouncing across the sand camera in hand and said “Look what I got!” My face lit up and I shook his hand “Nice!” He had photographed a Rusty Margined Guan that had made an appearance at the base whilst I was out in the Cerrado. Two birds had been seen by JP hopping from tree to tree across Mbopi trail and out of sight. Sean had a dash into our room get his camera together and still had time to reel off some shots. Great work!! These birds must be more common than I thought! JP and Helen had seen three on the track the other night. I wonder if they will make an appearance for me. I have not added this species to my Laguna Blanca list as I had only heard one in the Atlantic forest.
(Rusty Margin Guan)
(Photograph by Sean Dee)

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