I had almost forgotten how dull and dreary winter is in England
having travelled to the southern hemisphere to enjoy their summer while the
folk of Inglaterra endure short daylight hours, cold or rain filled days! The
good news is the daylight hours are getting longer by a few minutes each day
and it is mild for the time of year!
The public footpaths around Canons Farm are still boggy with
standing water on the aptly named Bog Field. This is where all the passerine
activity is at the moment and who knows something unusual may drop in if only
to freshen up before continuing its journey!
Most of the Linnet and today the Chaffinch were in this
area. A small group of Pied Wagtail dropped in on the pond late on. A few gulls
and a flock of Starling, Fieldfare, Redwing and Skylark were also present. The
latter come into roost near the Owl field. No Owls seen or heard today.
The only noticeable difference today was the relative lack
of corvids but perhaps the gamekeeper has popped a few off pushing the main
flocks back towards Banstead Woods!
I am keeping up my species average 32 today but I don’t
expect great numbers but this venue is always worth a visit if only for the
peace and quiet at this time of year!